
Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Juicing!

I've always loved soda since I was younger... Sprite, Coke, Root Beer, all soda tastes so good to me, but every time I finish a glass of soda I feel the guiltiness. We all are aware soda is bad for your body, but the sugar is so addicting and I often drink it without thinking, so how do we replace the sugar filled sodas with something that we actually like? Although coffee and black/green tea is delicious to some, I can never seem to have a taste for the bitter drink, and energy drinks are just as bad as sodas-- which led me to some searching and wondering.
Using social media {like many helpful Pinterest boards} and talking to friends, I fell in love with juicing and smoothies. Instead of sipping away at artificial sugars and chemicals, throw in some fruit into a blender or juicer and just like that you have an instant delicious drink! Juices and smoothies don't have to contain just fruit either; many people use the power of these delicious drinks to add in kale, carrots, or even spinach to add servings of vegetables. The veggies don't have a flavor, instead the drink takes the taste of any fruits put in, and because of this, many people have taken a liking to the nutritious power of smoothies and juices. Here are some of my favorite recipes!

{find even more amazing juice recipes here}

Happy juicing!

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Juicing!

I've always loved soda since I was younger... Sprite, Coke, Root Beer, all soda tastes so good to me, but every time I finish a glass of soda I feel the guiltiness. We all are aware soda is bad for your body, but the sugar is so addicting and I often drink it without thinking, so how do we replace the sugar filled sodas with something that we actually like? Although coffee and black/green tea is delicious to some, I can never seem to have a taste for the bitter drink, and energy drinks are just as bad as sodas-- which led me to some searching and wondering.
Using social media {like many helpful Pinterest boards} and talking to friends, I fell in love with juicing and smoothies. Instead of sipping away at artificial sugars and chemicals, throw in some fruit into a blender or juicer and just like that you have an instant delicious drink! Juices and smoothies don't have to contain just fruit either; many people use the power of these delicious drinks to add in kale, carrots, or even spinach to add servings of vegetables. The veggies don't have a flavor, instead the drink takes the taste of any fruits put in, and because of this, many people have taken a liking to the nutritious power of smoothies and juices. Here are some of my favorite recipes!

{find even more amazing juice recipes here}

Happy juicing!

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